The Shawnessy Community Association Volunteer Board of Directors
Volunteer Executive:
President Marshall McCarthy 403-256-0786 md-mccarthy@shaw.ca
Vice President Simone Mersereau 403-256-3584 simone@deanltd.com
Secretary Michelle Moland 403-640-2762 cmoland@telus.net
Treasurer Amber Hall 403-991-2547 amberdawnmariehall@gmail.com
Volunteer Directors
Community Affairs Vacant
Community Events Advertising Dana Fyles danafyles@gmail.com
Fundraising - Gaming Vacant
Grant Application Director Tom Lange
Membership Vacant
Community Planning Tom Lange rockfish75@hotmail.com
Newsletter Director Amber Hall 403-991-2547 newsletter@shawnessy.ca
Social Director Vacant
Volunteer Director Vacant
Neighbourhood Partnership
Coordinator Cathi Groves cgroves@calgary.ca
Barn Manager: Rental Jennifer Dickinson 403-554-7299 barnrentals@shawnessy.ca
Barn Manager: Facilities James Richard 403-697-2629
Area Contacts
Emergency and Crisis Lines
Calgary Police (Non-Emergency) 403-266-1234
Ambulance (Non-Emergency) 403-261-4000
Alcohol/Drugs/Full Family Help 403-253-5250
Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-387-5437
Child Find 403-270-3463
Children's Cottage (24 hrs. Crisis Nursery) 403-233-2273
Distress Centre/Drug Centre 403-266-1605
Hospital - Rockyview 403-541-3000
Hospital - Children's 403-229-7211
Parent Stress Line 403-265-1117
Poison Centre 403-670-1414
Sexual Assault Centre 403-237-5888
Suicide Crisis Line 403-266-0700 or 403-266-1605
Women's Emergency Shelter 403-232-8717
Public Schools
Ethel M. Johnson EL 403-777-8500
Robert Warren JH 403-777-7960
Janet Johnstone EL 403-777-8670
Dr. E.P. Scarlet HS 403-281-3366
Catholic Schools
Father Doucet EL 403-254-1882
Our Lady of Peace EL/JH 403-254-5446
Bishop Paul O'Byrne HS 403-252-4320
Abandoned Vehicles 403-974-0545
Alberta One-Call (buried utility lines) 1-800-242-3447
Animal - Injured and Stray Pets 403-250-7722
Animal Control 403-268-1160 or 403-268-1155 (after hours)
Alberta Health Care 403-297-6411
Bicycles (lost or stolen) 403-291-0087
By-law Issues 403-268-CITY
City of Calgary 403-268-2111
City of Calgary Electrical - Trouble Calls Only 403-268-2822
Graffiti Hotline 403-221-3868
Library - Fish Creek 403-221-2090
Library - Shawnessy 403-221-2072
Road Conditions 403-246-5853
Streets/Roads - Request for Sanding 403-268-4933
Traffic Signal Lights Trouble 403-230-2644
Weather Information 403-299-7878